Songs From Home – August 2020
Most of Songs from Home was written during the pandemic. When a musician loses months of gigs and is stuck at home, it seems the logical thing to do. She initially went into James Stephen’s Quebec studio (Ian Tamblyn, Lynn Miles) to record one song, “Six Feet Away,” and ended up recording six. Because it wasn’t safe for a whole band in the studio, James and Jamie played all of the instruments: guitar, ukulele, mandolin, banjo, bass, fiddle, tenor guitar, drums, and shaker. Jamie sang all the lead and backing vocals. In addition to the first song Jamie recorded “Marry Me,” a love song to Rachel Maddow (she’s married but if you’re going to dream, dream big), “Scene from a Café”, about running into an ex, and “Remember Me,” one long merry complaint about being a ukulele player where Jamie plays part of “Smoke on the Water” and yes, “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.” “Listen to Your Heart” covers more serious fare, homophobia and racism.
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Produced by Jamie Anderson and James Stephens
Recorded at Stove Studio, Chelsea, Quebec
Engineered by James Stephens
Mastered by Philip Shaw Bolva in Ottawa, Ontario
Cover photo by Paula Borowska, courtesy of Upsplash
All songs by Jamie Anderson (BMI) ©2019 and ©2020
Your name had to start with a “J” to be in this band since we recorded during the pandemic:
Jamie Anderson: guitar, banjo, ukulele, shaker, brushes on doumbek, all vocals
James Stephens: tenor guitar, fiddle, mandolin, bass
Six Feet Away
The first song I wrote during the pandemic.
Frustrated, these walls don’t say much
I miss my friends, I miss human touch
There’s still a world outside
Through the darkness there is light
Take a walk, the sun is warm
Feel myself transform
Summer’s coming, a gorgeous day
You’re still beautiful from six feet away (two metres away)
Some don’t believe, they think it’s a lie
I have to let that go, hope they don’t die
I say a prayer and close my eyes
Picture the beauty of a clear blue sky (to chorus)
When this is over our lives may change
Remember that sunny day, even if it rains
Take a walk, the sun is warm
Feel yourself transform
Summer’s coming, a gorgeous day
We’re all beautiful from six feet away
Two metres away
© 2020 Jamie Anderson
Scene from a Café
Another true story from the life of moi.
Warm summer evening, dinner with a friend
A voice from long ago startles me, “Hey how you been?”
Your face so familiar, where has the time gone?
Your 12-year-old asks me, “How do you know my mom?”
A lot of answers go through my mind, some are funny, some unkind
I went for polite and safe
As you stood there with your kids and what’s his name
After all this time have you erased me from your life?
Even your son doesn’t know you used to have a wife
There on the sidewalk in that outdoor café
We exchanged pleasantries, hardly knowing what to say
I joked with your boy that I’m a celebrity
What’s his name crossed his arms and glared at me
After all this time have you erased me from your life?
Even your son doesn’t know you used to have a wife
I don’t think of you every day but you’re in my memory
The time you slipped on that ring, said you’d always care for me
After all this time have you erased me from your life?
Maybe someday you’ll tell your kids you used to have a wife
© 2019 Jamie Anderson
Marry Me
I know she’s got a partner but if you’re going to dream, dream big. I hope Tucson forgives me, I’m actually very proud of that award and of graduating from the U of A. As of this writing, I’ve got about 40,000 subscribers on YouTube. And my wife thinks this song is funny. Still not sure if she’ll share.
You were on the cover of Rolling Stone, I was on page 20 of the Tucson Weekly
You’re a Rhodes scholar, I have a BS from a state university
I hope you like femmes, I own 40 skirts, I’m a big liberal, and you’ll like my cookin’
You’re really smart and handsome, I’m not bad lookin’
We’re perfect for each other, can’t you see?
Rachel Maddow, marry me
You’ve got a show on MSNBC, I can’t help but swoon when you read the news
I’ve got 10 followers on Instagram and 21 subscribers on YouTube, no, 22!
Your books are New York Times best sellers, my mom says my books are the best ever seen
You’ve won Emmys and lots of awards, I won for best folk in Tucson in ‘93
Rachel Maddow, marry me
You’ve got a partner, I can share
I have a wife, she won’t care (I think)
Rachel Maddow, marry me
Don’t you want to live in Canada? Our anthem’s easier to sing. We have free health care. And milk in bags! We have 20% of the world’s fresh water – I know you like to fish. I love to eat fish. Do you like older women? I just wrote this song and … is this thing on ?
Rachel Maddow, marry me
© 2020 Jamie Anderson
Listen With Your Heart
There’s so much going on this world. The first verse is a true story about my wife and me.
In this showroom we only want to buy a car
Salesman shouts “You must be sisters, I’m sure you are”
Only straight people say that
We look nothing alike
Only straight people say that
She’s my wife
Preacher says “Have you found Jesus?” I ask “Is he lost?”
He quotes the bible, shakes his fist, while he’s holding a cross
Only smug people say that
You don’t know how we pray
Only smug people say that
We all have feet of clay
The young man wore a hoodie, he was out late
Was that a gun in his pocket? Anyone could make that mistake
Only white people say that
He killed an innocent kid
Only white people say that
No excuse for what he did
You can’t avoid being straight or white
But you can stop and think, you can make it right
You can make it right
Only kind people say that
Make a fresh start
Only kind people say that
Listen with your heart
© 2020 Jamie Anderson
Linda’s Guitar
A musician friend of mine told me about going to a luthier to get her guitar fixed and who should walk in behind her but Linda Ronstadt, carrying a damaged pre-war Martin. I’m a huge Ronstadt fan and had I been in my friend’s shoes I would’ve forgotten how to form words. I hope Linda doesn’t mind that I borrowed her guitar riff. A member of Linda’s family now has the guitar.
Mi Corazon, are you sure you want to go? Mi Abuelo, yes I do
Then take this old guitar, you’ll never go hungry, she will always sing with you
Passed down for generations, it had come so far
Though many had played it, she was Linda’s guitar
Her notes like honey poured over every song, soon everybody knew her name
In California the Martin disappeared, even without it she gained fame (to chorus)
Found after 20 years, it had a few more cracks
Still the chords rang out, she had her baby back
Now in her seventies, Linda can’t sing, but when you strum that Martin you’ll hear joy
In the strings’ vibration, if you listen closely, you can hear Linda’s voice
“There you go baby, here am I …”
© 2020 Jamie Anderson, with a nod to Linda Ronstadt
Remember Me
Every ukulele player gets requests for “Tip Toe Through the Tulips.” This song is my revenge.
I don’t know tip toe through the tulips
I’m not lyin’, I’m only tryin’ to entertain you
Can I call it jazz if I play a major chord?
Quick, I better play a 7th suspended 4
Remember me, I’m not Diana (Billie, Ella)
Remember me, I’m not Sarah (Dinah, Tony)
Remember me, I’m the one with the ukulele
Open mike, what a night, there’s always a drunk guy
Who calls out, what about You Are My Sunshine?
Did this ever happen to Frank or Peggy?
It’s my curse because I play the ukulele (to chorus)
Get me a distortion pedal, I could play this for you
I’ve heard that Beethoven really rocked the uke
But I’d rather play something moody and blue (to chorus)
(I give up)
Tip toe through the tulips with me
© 2020 Jamie Anderson