Buy it now at Bandcamp, Goldenrod or iTunes
- Produced by James Stephens and Jamie Anderson
- Recorded and mixed at Stove Studio, Chelsea, Quebec
- Engineered by James Stephens
- Mastered by Philip Shaw Bova in Ottawa, Ontario
- Designed by Sally Rogers Devine at Red Horse Graphics
- Photos by Woodland Willow
- Supervising Engineer and Treat Officer: Walter the dog
All songs by Jamie Anderson (BMI), © 2003 to 2018, except “Run River Run,” words by Lois Hoover and music by Jamie Anderson (BMI), ©2015
There’s an event in Ottawa, the Great Canadian Song Along, where songwriters are given prompts. We each write a song using a prompt and perform it at a couple of shows. One of the prompts was “between the lines” and frankly, it’s not a line I’d normally use because it’s a cliché. When I started playing that ukulele riff, those are the words that came to me. It got me thinking about the gray areas in a relationship. A friend thought it was a breakup song. In the end it’s art so take from it whatever you need.
Musicians: Jamie, ukulele and lead vocal; Ken Kanwisher, bass and piano; Rob Graves, hand percussion; Chris MacLean, backing vocal; Fred Guignion, electric guitar
There is no time for regret, memory outlines my weariness
A book of poetry, I found a red rose pressed
The one you offered me the night I wore that lacy dress
Between the lines, between the words
No matter how they blur
Between the tears, between the lies
No matter how I cry
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
The truth appears between the lines
Where is the love, where is the trust? When that flower turns to dust
Empty words reveal what they must, telling the story of us (to chorus)
What have I learned? It’s hard to know. Jumble of words, a scented rose
It could be hiding in this prose. Sometimes nobody knows. (to chorus)
©2017 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Home to Me
I wrote most of this after a breakup years ago, performed it once or twice, then tucked it away because it felt too personal. I pulled it out when I was contemplating songs for this album. With distance, I didn’t feel as vulnerable. It’s a true story, showing how tough it was to grieve the end of a relationship when everything was merrily blooming around me.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar, lead and backing vocal; Ken, bass and piano; Rob, drums; Fred, electric guitar
Sun is hot in an April sky
Trees wear their brightest green
City’s blooming in pink and white
You are leaving me
How could I have known?
How could I have seen?
That you would bring winter
Home to me
My heart was like a window
I opened it wide
I didn’t know your April
Would let December blow inside
How could I have known?
How could I have seen?
That you would bring winter
Home to me
The wind is still howling
My heart is closed up tight
The ice is slowly melting
I only cry at night
How could I have known?
How could I have seen?
That you would bring winter
You would bring winter
You would bring winter
Home to me
©2005 and 2008 Jamie Anderson
Open Water
Another song inspired by the Great Canadian Song Along. I used all four prompts in this song. It ended up being a rather spiritual song, something I don’t often do.
Musicians: Jamie, ukulele and lead vocal; Ken, bass and cello; Rob, hand percussion; Chris, backing vocal; James Stephens, five string fiddle, electric tenor guitar
I heard you might be thirsty
The moon told me so
I’ll share the sweetest nectar
There’s more that you should know
The moon has no water
It’s only dust and clay
Maybe we shouldn’t listen
To what she has to say
We’re here on Mother Earth
Her sons and her daughters
We’ll sail on sturdy boats
And head for open water
Open water
Pack up what you need
The journey could be long
As long as rivers flow
We will always be strong (to chorus)
I’ll only show you once
You decide the rest
There are many ways to travel
Trust that you know the best (to chorus twice)
©2018 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Man In Black
This is a true story. The guy who came to fix my furnace used to drive a tour bus for Hank Williams Jr. and was a friend of Willie Nelson’s. How I would’ve loved to jam with him but like the song says, he had other work to do.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar, mandolin, lead and backing vocal; Ken, bass; James, fiddle; Keith Snider, banjo; Brian Sanderson, horns
January 2000 and 3
Snow outside and I couldn’t get heat
I called repair, they’d send someone at four
At his thundering knock I opened the door
He said hello in a Tennessee drawl
Dressed all in black, he was slim and tall
Dark hair combed neatly back
He offered a strong calloused hand
Eyes open wide I took a few steps back
He laughed and said “I’m not the man in black”
“Though I’ve done my share of picking tunes”
He saw my guitar, said “Oh you play too?”
He said “I toured with Hank Jr and then”
“I count Willie Nelson as one of my friends”
“I still got a tour bus in back of the house”
And here he was, sittin’ on my couch
I’d like to say that we wrote some songs
But he had a job to do and he couldn’t stay long
Packed up his tools, said “I best be movin’ on”
As his truck disappeared, I swear I heard a song
He said “I toured with Hank Jr and then”
“I count Willie Nelson as one of my friends”
“I still got a tour bus in back of the house”
He was right there, sittin’ on my couch
I fell into a burning ring of fire
©2012 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Run to the Darkness
My newest song. Usually I like to test drive a song in concert before I put it on an album but something made me include this one. It was a simple song until James laid down those gorgeous strings. Dedicated to anyone who gets migraines or has a health issue that others don’t understand.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar, mandolin, lead vocal; Ken, bass; Chris, backing vocal; James, five string fiddle, electric tenor guitar
Middle of the day, I’m curled up in a bed
Eyes clenched tight, there’s a pounding in my head
The school nurse called my mother while I cried
Her cool touch on my forehead, I was only nine
Move toward the light is what they say
But I run to the darkness and curse the day
The moon’s too bright, forget the sun
I’ll pray for the pain to go before the night is done
It’s the weather, what you eat, maybe it’s your eyes
For fifty years everyone gave me advice
I take care of myself, that offers some relief
Still, years of my life have been taken by this thief (to chorus)
It’s not a headache, it’s much more than that
It’s a chisel scraping bone, it’s a ball hitting bat
I’ll take the drugs, see the doctors, do what I must
Take solace in the dark, in her I trust
Move toward the light is what they say
But I run to the darkness and curse the day
The moon’s too bright, forget the sun
I’ll pray for the pain to go
I’ll pray for the pain to go
I’ll pray for the pain to go before the night is done
©2018 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
I have no idea where this song came from, only that I wanted to write something that leaned toward jazz. One of my friends joked that I should call it “Dark Chocolate Two.” (“Dark Chocolate” is a song with a similar feel that I wrote years ago. Some lesbians bring a U-Haul to the second date. I wrote that song.)
Musicians: Jamie, lead vocal; Ken, piano and bass; Brian, trumpet; Rob, drums; Chris, backing vocal
Hazy moon outside my window
Breeze brings the scent of a storm
Close my eyes, you’re there beside me
Hand on my waist, your skin is warm
Whisper my name with no regret
All your questions are answered with yes
Sheets are cool, you pull me closer
Press your lips to mine
Like orange, like honey, oh the sweetness
You taste like summer wine
Whisper my name with no regret
All your questions are answered with yes
Far off thunder makes it clear
You’re not really here
Still I have this beautiful moon
And these memories where you
Whisper my name with no regret
All your questions are answered with yes
©2017 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Out Of Time
I’ve written so many breakup songs I could fill a two-album set but it’d been years since I penned a new one because I’m too damn happy now. Besides, I married this one. When a friend told me about her recent breakup, I figured she needed a song.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar, lead and backing vocal; Ken, bass; Fred, electric guitar; Rob, drums
Another long distance call on my dime
This relationship’s nothing but a long hard climb
I’m talkin’ on a pay phone ‘cause I don’t have a cell
You say you’re out of minutes, I’m out of time as well
Out of minutes, out of hours, out of days, out of time
The way we wasted love, especially mine
Out of lust, out of patience, out of sanity
Your love cost me big, breaking up was free
We tried to be friends but you left me alone
When I had that accident, you didn’t even phone
At first I was confused then it hit me like a brick
Once again I’m stuck listening to that ol’ clock tick
Out of minutes, out of hours, out of days, out of time
The way we wasted love, especially mine
Out of lust, out of patience, out of sanity
Your love cost me big, breaking up was free
Gonna move to a minor key
But I won’t stay there long
Gonna take some time for me
Then send you this song … ha!
Out of minutes, out of hours, out of days, out of time
The way we wasted love, especially mine
Out of lust, out of patience, out of sanity
Your love cost me big, breaking up was free
Breaking up was free, breaking up was free
©2014 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Blah Blah
I needed a singalong or they’d take away my folk singer card. I really did see a Hummer with a Goddess sticker one year at the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. “Goddess” didn’t sing well so I made her a Pagan.
Musicians: Jamie, ukulele, lead and backing vocal; Ken, bass; Rob, drums and hand percussion; Chris aka Lady Blah Blah, backing vocal; James, backing vocal
She cares about the earth
Pollution is such a bummer
She’s so spiritual
Got a pagan sticker on her Hummer
She talks and all I hear is
Blah blah blah …
He talks about food and family
TV and how much he earns
If we were outside
His tongue would sunburn
He talks and all I hear is
Blah, blah, blah …
It’s what your dog hears when he’s eating the cat food
It’s the adults in a Peanuts cartoon
It’s everything that you hear on Fox news (and this is for them)
Next time you yammer at me
You go on ahead
I’ve gone to my happy place
All I hear in my head is
Blah, blah, blah …
©2015 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Fade to Blue
I had a dream once where I was trying to save someone in a flood and we both drowned. It seemed an apt metaphor for my relationship with a particular person who cried wolf so many times I had to make the very difficult decision to let her go.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar and lead vocal; bass, Ken; Chris, backing vocal; James, octave violin, violin; Fred, electric guitar
You’ve got them all fooled, they don’t know the trouble you’re in
But I’ve seen you in water, I know you can’t swim
I hear you crying, I’ll sound the alarm
I can teach you the strokes but I can’t move your arms
In this waking life
I call you friend
I keep trying to save you
Don’t pull me down again
Oceans of water, over your head
I try to reach you, we both drown instead
The waves are rough here, I’m stronger than you
I should’ve saved you before it faded to blue (to chorus)
I see you go under, again and again
My body tenses, I want to jump in
I am still standing here on the shore
Though I still love you there’s no rescue anymore
In this waking life I wish you well
I can’t save you, you’ve got to save yourself
No, I can’t save you
Before it all fades to blue
©2005 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Karma Café
Thanks to musician Joe Newberry who mused about a karma café on his Facebook page. I turned to my friends and asked what they would expect to find at the Bad Karma Café and included some of their answers in this song.
Musicians: Jamie, ukulele, lead and backing vocal; Ken, bass; Rob, congas and hand percussion; Brian, trombone and trumpet
It may be a shock until you’re at the door
Rest assured you always get what you pay for
They have flowers but they’re all dead bouquets
The ambiance is awful at the bad karma café
There are no menus, you get what you deserve
Roasted crow and sour grapes, then you get your just desserts
There are no specials, give your wallet right away
Everything is costly at the bad karma café
The peas are canned, the chicken always dry
Don’t forget the humble pie
Everything is bitter, a never-ending bowl
The ice cream is warm, the rest is served cold
If you don’t like it all you have to do is change
You can earn your way to the good karma café
They have crème broulee on their endless buffet
And you’ll never gain weight (unless you want to) and you never have to pay
©2015 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Run River Run
Lois Hoover sent me these sweet lyrics. She camps a lot and you can see how the landscape inspires her. I thought it would make a great bluegrass song.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar, mandolin, lead and backing vocal; Keith, banjo; James, fiddle and backing vocal; Ken, bass
The whisper of the water is soothing me away
I see pretty Jenny on a perfect summer day
I can feel her fingers though it was so long ago
I can hear her laughter though it hurts my old heart so
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
The whisper of the water is freeing up my mind
My thoughts are filled with memories of the ones I left behind
Now I’m getting older and I am winding down
They all go rushing by me like shadows on the ground
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
The whisper of the water can take me back in time
All the loves that I have known still linger in my mind
Jenny, pretty Jenny, I never will forget
The sunlight on the water and the summer day we met
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
Run river run, river run
©2014 Lois Hoover, words
©2014 Jamie Anderson (BMI), music
This was one of those songs that I worked on then put away many times over the years. I wasn’t happy with the ending until recently. James asked if it was a true story and I had to admit it’s not. That’s the sign of good lyrics, though, if someone thinks it’s true. Or maybe I flatter myself. I love the guitar that Fred plays in this song because it reminds me of Bonnie Raitt. I could never fill her boots but if you know her, tell I have this song that would sound great on her next album. No charge.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar, lead and backing vocal; Ken, bass; Fred, electric guitar; Rob, congas and hand percussion
Her name is Treasure, she’s there every night
High heel shoes in the gold of streetlight
Tiny dress across skinny thighs
No diamonds here just the jewel of her eyes
Oh a deeper blue
Like a midnight sky
Oh a deeper blue
There in her eyes
A battered Chevy slouches to the curb
Smiling to himself, he’ll take her
The door slams and the engine purrs
After she’s done, he throws a twenty at her
Oh a deeper blue
Like a midnight sky
Oh a deeper blue
There in her eyes
This life is not what she planned
She longs for much more than she has
Sometimes all that glitters
Is just broken glass
Oh a deeper blue
Like a midnight sky
Oh a deeper blue
There in her eyes
Her name is Treasure
© 2003, 2013, 2017, 2018 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Ice Cream
Musicians: Jamie, lead vocal; Ken, bass and piano; Chris, backing vocals; Rob, drums; Brian, trumpet
I’ve had a lousy day, nothing’s going my way
Give it to me straight, make mine a double
Get me away from all this trouble.
Baskin Robbins, I think you’re fine
Haagen Daz will you be mine?
Ben and Jerry, do you wanna date?
For you I would be straight
Mint chocolate chip, rocky road, for butter pecan I’d sell my soul
Don’t need to find God anyway, She’s in my freezer every day
Baskin Robbins, I think you’re fine
Haagan Daz will you be mine?
Ben and Jerry will you marry me?
For you I’d practice polygamy
(spoken) Yea, though I walk through the valley of calories, I shall fear no evil, for thy ice and thy cream, they comfort me and I shall dwell in the valley of ice cream. Forever.
© 2009 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Learning to Sail
For Karen and The Ship. Thanks for teaching me to fly.
Musicians: Jamie, acoustic guitar, lead vocal; Ken, bass; Rob, hand percussion; Chris, backing vocal; James, fiddle, acoustic tenor guitar
I learned to sail in Long Beach Harbor on a warm and sunny day (you said)
Don’t worry ‘bout the big ships, we have the right of way
We sailed for the open water, you pulled the main sail tight
Across the ocean we were flying, laughing under a brilliant sky (and we were)
Flying, flying
You never needed lessons, fearless with your teenage heart
Wind and water in your power, the rest of your life was hard
All the secrets kept you quiet, I never knew what he had done
Sailing gave you freedom, in the dark a shining sun (and you were)
Flying, flying
High school graduation, you planned your escape
He seemed okay to marry, four children came right away
No money for a boat, far from the open sea
More secrets and another man, did you close your eyes and dream (that you were)
Flying, flying
My mother said she saw you, grandkids by your side
You said we’d get together, before we could I heard you died
Now I seek the open water, I know I have the right of way
This legacy you left me is the wind that fills my sail (and I am)
Flying, flying
Flying, flying
© 2016 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
I'm Not Ready
While many people herald the coming of fall, to me it only means that winter is coming.
Musicians: Jamie, ukulele, lead vocal; Ken, bass; Rob, drums; Brian, trumpet
Steel blue sky, late autumn day
Sun tries to shine, gives up to gray
Our maple tree in faded red
I’m not ready for winter yet
How’s the sky look where you are?
Is the day bright, at night are there stars?
Does the wind blow, how cold does it get?
Are you ready for winter yet?
Put on our coats, we’ll get through the days
It’ll be warm by May
The days are short, they’ll hurry by
That’s what I tell myself, I know it’s a lie
Muted colors in this somber vignette
I’m not ready
Are you ready for winter yet?
© 2015 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
Hold My Breath
From a prompt given in Writer’s Block, a songwriting group I sometimes attend. I didn’t know what the song would be about until I started playing that riff, then I realized I was writing about a family friend who kept all her husband’s belongings long after he passed away. For her, he lived in those possessions.
Musicians: Jamie, ukulele, lead vocal; Ken, bass; Rob, congas and hand percussion; Chris, backing vocal; James, acoustic tenor guitar
There’s his shirt, hanging up
Spot on the collar, frayed at the cuff
My kids say, throw it away
But I hold it close
‘Cause there’s his scent
I’m not ready to hold my breath
It smells like summer and the outdoors
And that awful aftershave he always wore
I feel him here, there is no fear
I hold it close
‘Cause there’s his scent
I’m not ready to hold my breath
Maybe you’re thinking
Let him go
You don’t know
I hold it close
‘Cause there’s his scent
Let me grieve
Hold your breath
© 2015 Jamie Anderson (BMI)
A Very Sad Tail
My cat threatened to shred the furniture if I didn’t record this song she cowrote.
Musicians: Jamie, lead vocal, cat hiss; Ken, piano; Chris, backing vocal; Rob, drums
Lyrics by Bella “So Sad” Anderson
I need love but you treat me bad
I’m getting bored, I’m going mad
The way you treat me is mean
I cry and you say, “C’est la vie”
Dry food again! Is that all you’ve got?
Out of catnip too? There is no God!
My box is dirty. Human, how come?
You must clean it, you have opposable thumbs
Pet me, don’t pet me, pet me, don’t pet me … am I not clear?
You may touch me there but not here
(Or here … or here … or … wait, what?)
Dry food again! Where is the canned?
What part of meow don’t you understand?
Still, I leave gifts, hairballs and mice
Like Santa, I leave them in the middle of the night (on your pillow)
All I do and what do I get? But another visit to the vet
I’m disgusted with these toys you bought
When all I need is a cardboard box
My life is more wretched than you thought
And I’ll never catch that red dot
©2018 Jamie Anderson (BMI)